Thursday, August 26, 2010


So it was July and I was enjoying a typical day in my bedroom, when I received a phone call from an important person.This person was Nikki Jennings and she was calling on behalf of BET to inform me I had been chosen to be the 2010-2011 BET Marketing Rep for Hampton University. This internship would allow me the opportunity to sharpen my marketing and public relation skills through real hands on experience.In doing this internship I would have to come up with new and innovative ways to promote new shows on BET or any campaign BET was conducting and insuring the students at HU were informed.Of course I was ready for the challenge. A few weeks later I had a paid expense trip to DC for training purposes. While I was in DC I learned a lot about the history of BET and the marketing department. On top of that I encountered a lot of great people and was able to utilize my networking skills.I was even able to get a quick picture with the president herself Debra Lee. Now coming back from my trip and adapting to the Hampton lifestyle once again, I am excited about this year.I look forward to captivating everyone's mind with my creativity while at the same time keeping you in line with the latest BET news. If you have not already done so, make sure you add my Twitter: BradVintage, join and check my fan page at, and stay posted to my newly developed blog I am ready for my new journey as your BET Marketing Rep.

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