Thursday, August 26, 2010


As Summer is fading to an end and most are finding themselves preparing for the reality of school to start, one's appearance may seem like an unbearable task. However finding clothes this season, especially those that represent flyness and cheapness, do exist. From your local thrifts in the area, to H&M, or even Target, you can satisfy your needs.  Once you begin your shopping adventure do not focus solely on matching from head to toe. With a recession occuring that's the least of anybodies worries. I would suggest however to mix colors preferably that are in the same color family. For example green, yellow, and blue, or orange, yellow, and red. At the end of the day don't be scared to exemplify a little brightness in your wardrobe. After all of this if you still find prices to high for your standards I would suggest online shopping. This is a great way to stand out and be an individual. Also check out and see how celebrity men found ways to be frugal fresh.

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